Tag Archives: travelling solo but not lonely

Solo Travel is the Best! Here’s 10 Reasons why…

While often times, people prefer to travel and explore new destinations in groups, (because it may seem like the safest choice, perhaps even more fun-filled) we are, as of more recently,  seeing adventure seekers break off from the norm by taking what some would deem a “bold step” – going at it solo. Why would anyone prefer to travel all alone devoid of any company? might there be any comfort in doing so? 

I would like to think that there are people out there who solely enjoy the experience of discovering and exploring new places by their lonesome. It might be a slight concern for some that there is “no safety in numbers per se”  when you plunge yourself deep into solo travel but the benefits far out way the concerns.

Read for yourself…

  1. You Are Your Own Master

Yes, you can be your own master when you are alone. You are not answerable to anyone if you stay awake till late or wake up late. You are not forced to go to places that you do not wish to visit or do things for someone’s happiness. You can do something only that pleases you. You get a lot of ‘me’ time.  This is really important. If you visit with kids, you need to plan according to them which can take a lot of your time.

  1. Boosts Confidence

Doing things that you have never done without anybody’s help will surely boost your confidence. Solo travelers have to book tickets and hotel rooms all by themselves. They have to find about other facilities and inquire about everything from others on their own. This helps them improve their communication and hence their confidence.


  1. Easy to Plan

When travelling in a group every member’s opinion and likes and dislikes have to be taken into account. Someone has to forgo something for the sake of others. This compromise may rob the fun of the outing. But when it comes to solo travel, planning revolves around you. So, you can decide where you wish to go, when and how. The enjoyment factor will increase manifold.

  1. Make New Friends with Ease

Traveling alone does not mean that you do not speak to someone. Yes, you can add new people to your friends’ list along the way when you share your thoughts and experiences and other things with them. This increases the friendship. This is solely your choice. In a group, it may not be so. You may have to give up a lot.

  1. Get A Lot of Experience

Going about alone in a strange land amidst strange people may not be easy. You may have to learn a new language to mingle with the people. You may have to learn to eat and live like the local people. This will teach you a lot in life. These experiences will help you to grow and mature and help in nurturing your relationships.

  1. Make Your Own Itinerary

A group decides to do things with a majority vote. A single voice crashes down. You have to go to a museum or a national park even if you wished to go to the beach instead. The whole trip you just went by someone’s wishes. Your wishes were curbed and that diminished your fun quotient. A solo traveler has freedom to go as per his or her wish.


  1. Know Yourself Better

It is really important to know your potential and also your weaknesses. Only when you are on your own you can know about this. You are free to do what you wish. There is no pressure and reduced stress. Your performance increases and so does your efficiency. You will be surprised about yourself learning that you can accomplish a task which you dread doing.

  1. Financial Management

You can learn to value many things when you are all on your own. A person who is a spendthrift and does not care about money may learn to value it especially in a new land when there is no one to help when you are short of money. This will teach you to manage your finances better. You will also learn not to spend it on unnecessary items.

  1. Better Observer

You can learn to observe things better when you are alone. You need to be alert and manage everything on your own. You become responsible and also learn to take care of yourself which you may have not done all your life as someone took this responsibility. Increasing your observing skills will make you a better person.


  1. More Satisfied

For many people gratification does not come easily. When travelling alone almost all wishes get fulfilled and a sense of satisfaction creeps in. This feeling of gratification helps a person to grow up and makes him or her calm from inside. You tend to understand others easily and can build relationships easily.

If you are yet to attempt solo travel, try it once and learn more about yourself.


Author Bio:

Know about Rohit Agarwal’s take on travel on the blog Trans India Travels.


Reasons why you won’t feel like a loner, backpacking!!

Sipping my healthy smoothie by the  Kilifi Backpackers bar counter, I watch as my friend tries to get a splinter off of *James (a fellow traveller’s) foot . Poor thing went swimming at the beach and left his stuff (bag, shoes, and bicycle) unattended. Unfortunately for him, “Cha kuokota si cha kuiba” finding is not stealing, is a rule some people live by on this ends, his bag and shoes got stolen and had he not left his bicycle somewhere in the bushes, his transport back “home” would have gone too! With his shoes gone, getting his bicycle from the bushes left him with a thorny situation.

Even after cleaning his wound when he got back from the beach, *James could still feel some sharp pain on the foot and that’s when he asked us to check it out. Funny thing though about this whole situation, I doubt he would have gotten any such assistance from fellow guests in a classic or luxury travel setting, everyone keeps to themselves! Imagine you and your friends enjoying your drinks in some luxurious hotel bar, laughing with each other about jokes nobody outside of your group will understand, based on memories and past experiences you had with those friends. Now imagine some random dude approaching you and asking for help with his foot situation. What would your reaction be? weirded out perhaps?

With backpacking, things are different.  Sure, not everyone will be welcoming with open arms when you ask if you may join them for dinner, some people want to be left alone sometimes, but I guarantee you that 99% of people will say “sure, no problem”.  See even though we were not really “buddies” with James, we were not really strangers per se, we had cheered him on during the daily beach volleyball, shared conversation over breakfast,  heck we even got to “babysit” his beers!! so we were already familiar with him.


If you are setting out to travel on your lonesome and are worried about loneliness creeping up on you, fear not, backpacking is here!

Just like our time at Distant Relatives, you will realise that almost everyone backpacking is travelling alone as well. Moreover, everyone wants to make friends. As a matter of fact, you may have to TRY to be alone!  It does not matter how introverted you are, it is impossible not to meet new people; for instance, at times you may just be sitted by yourself wanting some alone time when a stranger joins you for conversation.


Whether you’re lounging in a hammock on the balcony or frying something in the communal kitchen, at any moment you could strike up a conversation with a  stranger and make a friend for life.


Aside from that, meeting new people is inevitable when staying in a hostel, or dorm rooms. You won’t have a choice but to get to know them. Just say hello and ask where they’ve been, where they’re going, how long they’ve been around and if they’d recommend anything cool to do or see.

I’m not sure it’s possible to feel lonely at a hostel and more often than not, you may end up craving some alone time.

In the backpacking world, it’s always someone’s first or last night and therefore a reason to go out – which means there’s a lot of drinking going on (A LOT!). Therefore, if parties are your thing, you will never fall short. Going out for dinner one night with several strangers and never seeing them again is part of the fun and it’s what happens. People are aware of it and it’s kind of the norm.



You meet great people, and then tomorrow they are gone. Maybe you will see each other again, maybe not. In some cases though, some of these people may end up being the group you travel around with, which is a great bonus!


Backpacking is a great lifestyle; It’s fun, social, has a  youthful vibe to it and you get to meet amazing people. There will be people you meet who become your friends for a week, friends for a month and friends for life. Happy Backpacking!!!
Photo Credits: Distant Relatives Kilifi Backpackers